News > A resilience framework for the Great Green Wall Initiative

Deborah Goffner, Hanna Sinare and Line Gordon present a resilience-focused, transdisciplinary framework for the Great Green Wall in the Sahel.

Having evolved from a massive scale tree-planting and reforestation initiative into a more modular approach that combines a variety of landscape-scale actions that are tuned to their local context, the Great Green Wall could be a game changer for the Sahel, according to Goffner and her colleagues. They describe how previous actions that took a broad scale, simplified approach to greening the Sahel, fell short of achieving their goals and how a resilience framework that integrates past, present and future social-ecological systems and the bundles of ecosystem services they provide, can help with identifying and coordinating strategic actions to create resilient Sahelian landscapes.

Read the full paper here.

Goffner, D., H. Sinare, and L.J. Gordon. The Great Green Wall for the Sahara and the Sahel Initiative as an opportunity to enhance resilience in Sahelian landscapes and livelihoods. Regional Environmental Change.