Title: Making the Ecosystem Approach Operational - Can Regime Shifts in Ecological and Governance Systems Facilitate the Transition?
Authors: Österblom, H., A. Gårdmark, L.Bergström, B.Müller-Karulis, C.Folke, M.Lindegren, M. Casini, P.Olsson, R.Diekmann, T.Blenckner, C.Humborg, C.Möllmann
Citation: Österblom, H., A. Gårdmark, L.Bergström, B.Müller-Karulis, C.Folke, M.Lindegren, M. Casini, P.Olsson, R.Diekmann, T.Blenckner, C.Humborg, C.Möllmann. 2010. Making the Ecosystem Approach Operational - Can Regime Shifts in Ecological and Governance Systems Facilitate the Transition? Marine Policy 34: 1290-1299
Keywords: ecosystem approach, regime shifts