Title: Ecological Thresholds: The Key to Successful Environmental Management or an Important Concept with No Practical Application?
Authors: Groffman, P.M., J.S. Baron, T. Blett, A.J. Gold, I. Goodman, L.H. Gunderson, B. Levinson, M. Palmer, H.W. Paerl, G.D. Peterson, N. LeRoy Poff, D.W. Rejeski, J.F. Reynolds, M.G. Turner, K.C. Weathers, and J. Wiens
Citation: Groffman, P.M., J.S. Baron, T. Blett, A.J. Gold, I. Goodman, L.H. Gunderson, B. Levinson, M. Palmer, H.W. Paerl, G.D. Peterson, N. LeRoy Poff, D.W. Rejeski, J.F. Reynolds, M.G. Turner, K.C. Weathers, and J. Wiens. 2006. Ecological Thresholds: The Key to Successful Environmental Management or an Important Concept with No Practical Application? Ecosystems 9(1):1-13.
Keywords: thresholds, multiple stable states, critical loads, panarchy, ecological surprises, ecological modeling